Muscle Car Era

Sunday, September 10, 2006

My First Car

A spitting image of my first car a 73' AMC Javelin. I remember it as if it was yesterday. My Dad went done to the Used Car Dealer with me. I was only 15 and ready to turn 16 in about 2 months. But I had a part time job after school and my Dad felt if I wanted the responsibility of working to pay for my own car, I should have the car I wanted. He signed for a loan for me and I drove out of the Dealership feeling I had the best car on the road and it was all mine ( well it would be all mine after 36 payments of $ 102.00 to the Bank).

I became more popular then I ever was during my Senior year ( A car has that way of changing your social status). Had more dates during the summer than I had all my young life up to then.
I must of washed and waxed that car so much that I am sure I drove the share value of Turtle Wax up that summer.

Unfortunately one early raining morning 2 years later I was behind schedule getting to work, racing down the highway a car pulled out in front of me and being young and inexperienced, slammed on the brakes and tried to switch lanes at the same time. Never the least to say the car spun out of control and jumped the side curb. It felt like a brick wall. My little mishap left me all alone in the early morning rain with my beautiful baby having a tore up suspension and frame and two busted front rims and blown out tires. I never knew that a curb could do so much damage. And as far as the guy or gal that pulled out in front of me, they never stopped, I don't even know if they knew what happened.

I walked to the nearest phone both and called my Dad and told him what happened and were I was. He came out to the scene of my tragedy. We called for a tow truck and that's the last I saw of my first car. During the ride to work I was certain that I was going to get custed out, but he just told me things happened and we can only hope to learn from it. I lost my Dad not to long after that, ironically to a traffic accident caused by a careless Semi - driver running a stop sign trying to stay on schedule.

Next - My second car a 70 Buick Wildcat

Technorati Tags: Cars, Classic Cars, Muscle Cars, Vintage Cars, Custom Cars, Automobiles


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